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The signaling module allows users to vote to create non-binding polls. Non-binding polls are an important part of the governance process for existing 10 blockchains and have been administered previously in an ad-hoc manner.

Users should natively be able to create and distribute polls for signaling interest in different proposals, strategies, and directions. Individuals can choose between many different methods for voting on a proposal (e.g., binary or ranked choice) and moreover allows for delegated votingā€“improving the total stake allocated towards a vote. Once a direction has been chosen, the council or the democracy module can create a binding on-chain referendum.

Module Details

This module enables one to create signaling proposals and vote on them. This is useful for engaging parts of the community and understanding how the community reacts to a given idea before putting it forth in a state-changing proposal through the main governance mechanism.

The lifecycle for using this module is:\ 1. Create signaling proposals\ 2. Vote on signaling proposals\ 3. Engage in off-chain discussion